Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Assurance in the Midst of Uncertainty

by Cindy Hester

"The Lord makes firm the steps
    of the one who delights in him;
though he may stumble, he will not fall,
    for the Lord upholds him with his hand."

Looking back over my life I often wonder how I ever made it to where I am now. For years I fumbled my way through, relying on my own wisdom to make decisions. To be honest, in my youthful ignorance I often rebelled against God because I felt His commands brought only restriction and control. It was only after much stumbling and picking myself up only to stumble again that I realized my so-called "freedom" had become my prison. I have come to understand that God in His infinite wisdom gave us guidelines in order that we could be set free. 

Today, as I read through the Bible I see the things He warns us against are the very things that have brought me the greatest pain, destruction, and chaos, while obeying His commands has brought the greatest joy, creativity, and peace. In turn, obedience has cultivated a closer relationship with God. It is through this closer relationship I have learned to delight in Him. 

I can now recognize how God has ordered my steps. Despite my failures and lack of knowledge, He has opened doors for me I could have never opened on my own. He not only opened those doors, He provided the means to gain the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed. Although I still stumble, His hand upholds me. I am forever assured of His loving presence no matter the circumstances. 

Today I hope you will find encouragement in the fact that "the Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in Him." No matter what you are facing, the Lord stands close and desires to uphold you and steady you with His almighty hand. 

Dear Lord, help us to trust You to make our steps firm. So often it seems as though all we have worked so hard for is falling apart, but You know the plans you have for us, plans to prosper us and not to harm us. Help us not to be deceived into thinking You are simply witholding good things from us, but that You came to bring us a life of abundance. Remind us what true abundance is. I pray for those who are struggling today. Uphold them with Your mighty righteous hand. I pray this in the name of your Son, Jesus, Amen.

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